Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
VOX-Pol Summer School Public Lecture: Brown Moses
September 18, 2023VOX-Pol Summer School: ‘Topics in Violence Online Political Extremism’ Dublin: July 3, 2014 ...
Public Lecture by VOX-Pol Research Fellow Nico Prucha: Understanding the ‘Islamic State’ Narratives
September 18, 2023Dr Prucha discusses how to understand ‘Islamic State’ narratives by analysing their media output. The lecture was organised by VOX-Pol partner institute, International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR) and held at King’s College London on 6 July 2015. It focuses on the symbiotic relationships between ideology, media content and strategic action, and on ...
Von al-Zarqawi bis al-Awlaki: Das Internet als neue Form des radikalen Milieus.
September 18, 2023Chapter in Stefan Malthaner and Peter Waldmann (eds.) Radikale Milieus: Das soziale Umfeld terroristischer Gruppen. ...
The Original Web of Hate Revolution Muslim and American Homegrown Extremists
September 18, 2023Before the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) leveraged the Internet into a truly modern quasi-state propaganda machine through horrendous online videos, travel handbooks, and sophisticated Twitter messengering, more humble yet highly effective precursors targeted youthful Western Muslims for radicalism, during a time when home grown plots peaked. These brash new entrants into ...
Twitter and Jihad: the Communication Strategy of ISIS
September 18, 2023The capture of Mosul in the summer of 2014 by the self-styled ‘Islamic State’ appears today much more than a significant military event in the complex scenario of the Middle-East and in the tangled situation of Iraq and Syria. Close observers were not surprised. The establishment of the ‘Islamic State’ has characterized most of the ...
Examining ISIS Support and Opposition Networks on Twitter
September 18, 2023The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), like no other terrorist organization before, has used Twitter and other social media channels to broadcast its message, inspire followers, and recruit new fighters. Though much less heralded, ISIS opponents have also taken to Twitter to castigate the ISIS message. This report draws on publicly available Twitter ...
Documenting the Virtual ‘Caliphate’
September 18, 2023The menace presented by Islamic State’s (IS) self-proclaimed ‘caliphate’ is uniquely challenging on a number of levels. Tactically, its military operations demand lateral thinking, since the group exists as a nebulous, swarming network constantly seeking to expand its reach. Strategically, too, it is pioneering new insurgent methods, establishing numerous, complex administrative and institutional foundations in ...
Becoming Mulan: Female Western Migrants to ISIS
September 18, 2023The current flow of foreigners to Syria and Iraq is remarkable not only for its scale, but also for its inclusion of many women. Much has been written about the male fighters who migrate to engage in the conflict there; these fighters are prolific on social media and share details of their day-to-day experiences with ...
German Foreign Fighters in Syria and Iraq
September 18, 2023This thesis examines why approximately 700 German foreign fighters traveled to Syria and Iraq between early 2012 and late 2015. It presents the author’s original research on 99 German foreign fighter profiles, examining their preexisting network connections in Germany as well as their biographical availability and integration into German society. The study finds that German ...
The ISIS Twitter Census: Defining and Describing the Population of ISIS Supporters on Twitter
September 18, 2023The Islamic State, known as ISIS or ISIL, has exploited social media, most notoriously Twitter, to send its propaganda and messaging out to the world and to draw in people vulnerable to radicalisation. ...