Studies into Violent Radicalisation: The Beliefs, Ideologies, and Narratives
September 18, 2023This study explores the beliefs, narratives and ideologies that lead to violent radicalism underpinned by an abusive interpretation of Islam, with a view to understanding of the causes and remedies for violent radicalisation. The research was conducted through analysis and empirical data collection through 145 stakeholder and primary fieldwork interviews in four Member States; Denmark, ...
Identity in Transition: Connecting Online and Offline Internet Practices of Moroccan-Dutch Muslim Youth
September 18, 2023The Internet has become the principal platform for the dissemination and mediation of the ideology of Islamic movements, ranging from purist (non-violent) to politically engaged movements to Jihadi networks. Certainly in intelligence and security circles the Internet is considered the single most important venue for the radicalization of Muslim youth. On the other hand the ...
Neo-Nazis Sympathizers on the Forums of the Romanian Online Publications
September 18, 2023The research aims to highlight how the forums of the Romanian online publications may often become spaces for right-wing extremist propaganda. The case study includes about 1.000 comments of the readers, expressed on the articles about a protest of several intellectuals against a TV program of the Romanian public Television (TVR), where Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, ...
Terrorism, Communication and New Media: Explaining Radicalization in the Digital Age
September 18, 2023This article aims to demonstrate that a greater understanding of communication in the 21st century is essential to more effective counterterrorism. In fact, while “strategic communication” and “narratives” are advocated by many analysts as essential weapons in countering extremism, few seem to truly understand the reality of the digital-age information environment where such tools need ...
Worldwide Online Jihad versus the Gaming Industry Reloaded – Ventures of the Web
September 18, 2023[Chapter in, “New Approaches to the Analysis of Jihadism: On and Offline”, Rüdiger Lohlker (ed.)] Jihadism has been an important issue of public discussions since 9/11. Internet media have been used by Jihadis as means of communication, propaganda, recruitment, and even training purposes. In this volume, the processes of interaction on Jihadi internet sites are ...
Die Vermittlung arabischer Jihadisten- Ideologie: Zur Rolle deutscher Aktivisten
September 18, 2023Jihadistische Inhalte haben sich im Internet seit den Terroranschlägen vom 11. September 2001 massiv verbreitet. Trotz vielfacher Bemühungen, die jihadistische Webpräsenz zu bekämpfen, finden sich entsprechende Medien seit nunmehr knapp zwei Jahrzehnten in den virtuellen Welten. Ironischerweise nutzen die Jihadisten das modernste Mittel der Kommuni- kation, um im Namen einer primitiven Theologie gegen die Moderne ...
The Virtual ‘Caliphate’: Understanding Islamic State’s Propaganda Strategy
September 18, 2023For too long, the immensity of Islamic State’s propaganda machine has obscured a rational understanding of it. The organisation’s media strategists are producing high-definition depictions of the most abhorrent brutality on an industrial scale, ensuring that jihadism is digitalised and brought firmly into the 21st century. The days when we saw grainy video footage played ...
Cybercortical Warfare: Hizbollah’s Internet Strategy
September 18, 2023The acceleration of the historical tempo and the move from hierarchical to networked conceptions of power is disintegrating the mechanisms of control and political representation at the disposal of the state. The upshot of this is that ‘resistance confronts domination, empowerment reacts against powerlessness, and alternative projects challenge the logic embedded in the new global ...
Shifting Fire: Information Effects in Counterinsurgency and Stability Operations
September 18, 2023Report from the “Information Operations and Winning the Peace” workshop, held at the U.S. Army War College (USAWC), Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania ...
Empowering Local Partners To Prevent Violent Extremism In The United States
September 18, 2023United States Strategy for Countering Violent Extremism Strategy 2011 ...