Cyber jihadists and Their Web
September 18, 2023Policy advice for EU member states on how to tackle jihadist online recruitment techniques. ...
Cheering for Osama: How Jihadists Use Internet Discussion Forums
September 18, 2023The key aims of this report are: To show how Jihadist movements use web forums to consolidate their existing followers and to recruit new ones; to illustrate how Jihadists, and their online supporters, use theology and ideology to justify their violent actions; and to suggest how western governments can better challenge the worldview and ideology ...
Worldwide Online Jihad versus the Gaming Industry Reloaded – Ventures of the Web
September 18, 2023[Chapter in, “New Approaches to the Analysis of Jihadism: On and Offline”, Rüdiger Lohlker (ed.)] Jihadism has been an important issue of public discussions since 9/11. Internet media have been used by Jihadis as means of communication, propaganda, recruitment, and even training purposes. In this volume, the processes of interaction on Jihadi internet sites are ...
Die Vermittlung arabischer Jihadisten- Ideologie: Zur Rolle deutscher Aktivisten
September 18, 2023Jihadistische Inhalte haben sich im Internet seit den Terroranschlägen vom 11. September 2001 massiv verbreitet. Trotz vielfacher Bemühungen, die jihadistische Webpräsenz zu bekämpfen, finden sich entsprechende Medien seit nunmehr knapp zwei Jahrzehnten in den virtuellen Welten. Ironischerweise nutzen die Jihadisten das modernste Mittel der Kommuni- kation, um im Namen einer primitiven Theologie gegen die Moderne ...
Online Territories of Terror: Utilizing the Internet for Jihadist Endeavors
September 18, 2023An introduction to Jihadism online ...
Mining Communities and Their Relationships in Blogs: A Study of Online Hate Groups
September 18, 2023Blogs, often treated as the equivalence of online personal diaries, have become one of the fastest growing types of Web-based media. Everyone is free to express their opinions and emotions very easily through blogs. In the blogosphere, many communities have emerged, which include hate groups and racists that are trying to share their ideology, express ...
Home-Grown Jihadism in Italy: Birth, Development and Radicalization Dynamics
September 18, 2023This study aims only at analysing the dynamics of jihadist radicalisation in Italy. It is not meant to be a study of Islam or of the Italian Muslim community. Rather, it describes a phenomenon that, in Italy as in any other Western country, affects a statistically insignificant percentage of the Muslim population. Throughout Europe, jihadism ...
European and American Extreme Right Groups and the Internet
September 18, 2023How do right-wing extremist organisations throughout the world use the Internet as a tool for communication and recruitment? What is its role in identity-building within radical right-wing groups and how do they use the Internet to set their agenda, build contacts, spread their ideology and encourage mobilization? This important contribution to the field of Internet ...
Youth Online and at Risk: Radicalisation Facilitated by the Internet
September 18, 2023While the internet provides access to rich educational experiences, great entertainment, and the chance to connect with friends around the clock, it also creates a number of risks that young people, parents, and guardians need to be aware of. There are the commonly known concerns of identity theft, online predators, and cyber-bullying but there is ...
Social Science For Counterterrorism: Putting the Pieces Together
September 18, 2023This monograph by RAND surveys social-science literature relating to counterterrorism. It also takes steps toward integrating the knowledge reflected in that literature and suggesting theories and methods to inform analysis and modeling. ...