Invitation to publish VOX-Pol inaugural conference papers
October 23, 2014Participants at VOX-Pol’s inaugural conference at King’s College London in August shared exciting and innovative new research into the process of online radicalisation, and into social media behaviour of violent political extremists. We are now inviting all speakers to publish the research you presented by submitting papers to one of the two special issues of ...
Blocking Islamic State’s Online Propaganda is the Wrong Answer to the Wrong Problem
October 23, 2014by Cristina Archetti ISIS is winning the propaganda war, it’s been said, and top brass from the European Commission, EU member state governments, and representatives of Google, Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft have met to discuss what to do about extremist online content. They have yet to announce their decision, but it’s likely to involve some form ...
Request for contributions to online bibliography
October 8, 2014We are compiling a bibliography of research related to the topics of violent online political extremism and radicalisation. We aim to make the bibliography as extensive as possible and are inviting you to contribute by sending us details of any published research that you think should be included. Research published in all media formats—print, video, and audio—are ...
Invitation to post on VOX-Pol blog
October 8, 2014Is your research related to violent online political extremism and/or violent online radicalisation? Would you like to share some of your findings, reflections, and thoughts with an audience with similar research interests? If so, how about making a guest contribution to the VOX-Pol blog? We will publish your contribution and communicate it to our partners and followers, ...
VOX-Pol Newsletter 1(2) August 2014
August 11, 2014Dear Reader, Welcome to the second issue of the VOX-Pol Newsletter! The VOX-Pol Network of Excellence is a European Union Framework Programme 7 funded academic research network focused on researching the prevalence, contours, functions, and impacts of Violent Online Political Extremism and responses to it. It is a five-year programme which commenced on 1 January ...
VOX-Pol Conference Programme 2014
August 5, 2014SOCIAL MEDIA CONTENT ANALYSIS: ETHICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL CHALLENGES CHIAR: Paul Gill The Use of Social Media in Social Sciences: Ethical and Methodological Considerations
Aaron Zelin: King’s College London The Curious Case of Uncle Tom: The Importance of Domain Knowledge for Sentiment Analysis on Extremist Forums
Maura Conway: Dublin City University Gijs Koot: TNO Lisa McInerney: ...
Researcher Exchange Programme on Violent Online Political Extremism
July 6, 2014Calls for Expression of Interest The VOX-Pol Network of Excellence (NoE) is a European Union Framework Programme 7 (FP7)-funded academic research network focused on researching the prevalence, contours, functions, and impacts of violent online political extremism and responses to it. Its purpose is the establishment of a robust partnering, research, training, and dissemination network that ...
Fellowship Programme on Violent Online Political Extremism
July 6, 2014Call for Expressions of Interest VOX-Pol is a EU FP7-funded Network of Excellence that integrates the world’s leading researchers and research groups in Violent Online Political Extremism. The network of excellence includes those researching the intersection of terrorism and the Internet (incl. violent jihadists, violent separatists, etc.), the online activities of the extreme left and ...
VOX-Pol Newsletter 1(1) May 2014
May 13, 2014Dear Reader, Welcome to the first issue of the VOX-Pol Newsletter! We are delighted to present the first issue of the VOX-Pol Newsletter which will be issued every quarter to keep you up to date with developments in and the activities of the VOX-Pol Network of Excellence (NoE). The VOX-Pol NoE is a European Union ...