James Fitzgerald
September 6, 2023
James Fitzgerald is Assistant Professor in Security Studies at the School of Law and Government, Dublin City University, and Founding Director of the Erasmus Mundus International Master in Intelligence and Strategic Studies (IMSISS): DCU’s first Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree. Previously co-convenor of the BISA Critical Studies on Terrorism Working Group (2013-2017), he specialises in ...
Melissa Ellen-Dowling
September 6, 2023
Dr Melissa-Ellen Dowling received her PhD from the University of Adelaide in 2020 and works as a Senior Lecturer in the Jeff Bleich Centre for Digital Technology, Security and Governance at Flinders University. Her research coalesces around the theme of democratic resilience, within which she studies challenges to democracy including ideological extremism, disinformation, and foreign ...
J.M. Berger
September 6, 2023
J.M. Berger is a consultant and author working on a suite of related issues that include extremism, misinformation, propaganda, advanced social media analysis, and technology sector content policies. A research fellow with VOX-Pol and a postgraduate research student at Swansea University’s School of Law, where he studies extremist ideologies, he is the author of four ...
Kareem El Damanhoury
September 6, 2023
Kareem El Damanhoury (Ph.D. Georgia State University) is an Assistant Professor of Media and Journalism Studies and faculty affiliate in the Center of Middle East Studies at the University of Denver. His research focuses on visual communication, media and conflict, and international/intercultural communication. Much of his work in recent years has centered on the use ...
Garth Davies
September 6, 2023
Garth Davies is an Associate Professor in the School of Criminology at Simon Fraser University and is the Associate Director of the Institute on Violence, Extremism and Terrorism at Simon Fraser University. Because Dr. Davies has a short attention span, his current work involves research on: risk assessment for violent radicalization, the social psychology of ...
Steven M. Chermak
September 6, 2023
Steven M. Chermak is a Professor in the School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University, and an investigator for the National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education (NCITE) Center and the Center for Accelerating Operational Efficiency (CAOE). He is also a Creator and co-Director of the U.S. Extremist Crime Database (ECDB), The American School Shooting ...
Lewys Brace
September 6, 2023
Lewys Brace is a Lecturer in Computational Social Science and part of the University of Exeter’s Q-Step Centre, where he specialises in data science/computational research methods, extremism, terrorism, cybercrime, and Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT). He is a Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute and the lead for the Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence’s ...
Ala Berzinji
September 6, 2023
Ala Berzinji is a PhD student at the Department of Computer and System Science (DSV), Stockholm University, in the field of cyber security. She teaches cyber security to students at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Sulaimani. She obtained a Master’s degree in Computer Science from Uppsala University (2011). Her principal areas ...