Welcome to Volume 11, Issue 5 of the monthly VOX-Pol Newsletter.
VOX-Pol is pleased to publish a new report AI Extremism: Technologies, Tactics, Actors. This report is written by Stephane Baele, Professor of International Relations at UCLouvain, and Lewys Brace, Senior Lecturer in Computational Social Science (Criminology) at Exeter University.
The report was published on 25 April and was followed by an online discussion event with the authors, moderated by Dr Ashley Mattheis. That recorded discussion is now available to watch on the VOX-Pol YouTube Channel.
All VOX-Pol Publications are available in full and for free on our Publications page. They can also be requested in print, HERE.
VOX-Pol Member David Wells published a report, also on the topic of AI, for the Middle East Institute, The Next Paradigm-Shattering Threat? Right-Sizing the Potential Impacts of Generative AI on Terrorism. This article is available through the MEI website.
Ryan Scrivens has a new article published in Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, titled, Examining Online Behaviors of Violent and Non-Violent Right-Wing Extremists During Peak Posting Days. The article uses content analysis to examine postings from a unique sample of violent and non-violent right-wing extremists.
VOX-Pol are pleased to announce our next online workshop on Borderline Online Content. This virtual event will take place on 13 June 2024, at 9:15 UK time / 10:15 Germany.
The presenters will speak on topics around borderline, ‘hard to regulate’, content in the following four talks:
- Heidi Schulze & Simon Greipl “A Little Less Hate, But a Lot More Harm – Fear Speech as Strategic Borderline Communication”
- Hannah Rose: “Hybridised Online Hate and Extremism in the Israel/Gaza Conflict”
- Ursula Schmid “Legitimizing hostility through humor: Perceptions and effects of humorous hate speech on social media”
- Broderick McDonald “Lawful but Awful: Borderline Content and Human Rights”
Information on how to register is here.

VOX-Pol has created a dedicated Discord channel as part of the Next Gen Network. This space is specifically geared towards early career researchers with the creation of a supportive community at its forefront. We want to build an environment geared towards the needs of young scholars researching online extremist spaces.
Use the link to join the community today! Sign up is simple, free, and easy. We are excited to welcome you to this ECR space.
The Next Gen Network is an academic platform dedicated to supporting ECRs with an interest in investigating online extremism. This initiative seeks to provide a space for the development of young academics and equip them with the proper resources necessary for success.
The Addressing Violent Extremism and Radicalisation to Terrorism (AVERT) International Research Symposium is taking place from 29 to 31 October 2024 in Melbourne, Australia.
The title of the symposium is People, Places and Spaces: New Dynamics and Shifting Responses to Violent Extremism. AVERT welcomes proposals for individual papers, panels, workshops, interactive sessions and presentations. More information is available HERE.

Articles from the last month on the VOX-Pol Blog:
- The Potential of Short Form Videos as P/CVE Messages, 8 May 2024, by Joe Whittaker, Farangiz Atamuradova, Kamil Yilmaz, Simon Copeland, Lilah El Sayed, Jon Deedman.
- Christian Nationalism in the Case of the Dilley Meme Team, 1 May 2024, by Phoebe Jones
- Seeing Eye to Eye: Countering the ‘illusion of inclusion’ in P/CVE multistakeholder initiatives, 24 April 2024, by Hirah Azhar
- Documenting Andrew Tate – learning from documentary film, 17 April 2024, by Nick Robinson
- Bad news travels fast: the co-optation of mainstream media to promote radical and extremist ideologies online, 10 April 10 by Dr Melissa-Ellen Dowling