Resilienz-Aufbau für Terrorismusforscher
September 26, 2019
Read in English Read in French Read in Spanish Von Peter King Als der sogenannte islamische Staat im Sommer 2014 den Medienbetrieb verstärkte, um für seinen territorialen Fortschritt im Irak und Syrien zu werben, mussten Terrorismusforscher, die ein Jahrzehnt oder länger in dieser Branche waren, einen Schritt zurücktreten und überdenken, welche Auswirkungen die Propaganda auf ...
Le Renforcement de la Résilience Chez les Chercheurs dans le Domaine du Terrorisme
September 26, 2019
Read in English Read in German Read in Spanish Peter King Lorsque le soi-disant État islamique a intensifié ses activités médiatiques à l’été 2014 pour promouvoir ses avancées territoriales en Irak et en Syrie, les chercheurs sur le terrorisme qui travaillaient dans ce domaine depuis une décennie ou plus ont dû prendre du recul et ...
Construir Resiliencia para Investigadores del Terrorismo
September 26, 2019
Read in English Read in French Read in German Por Peter King Cuando el denominado Estado Islámico intensificó su campaña mediática en verano de 2014 para promocionar sus avances territoriales en Irak y Siria, investigadores del terrorismo dedicados a esta actividad durante una década o más se vieron obligados a dar un paso atrás y ...
Lunch Briefing Series 2019 hosted by VOX-Pol & EC-REP
September 19, 2019
This Autumn, the VOX-Pol Network of Excellence invites you to a series of Lunchtime Briefing Seminars, each exploring a different aspect of Violent Online Political Extremism. This is the third lunch briefing series following on from events in 2015 and 2016. The 2019 Lunch Briefing Series takes place in October and November, and is a joint ...
VOX-Pol Newsletter 6(3) September 2019
September 3, 2019
Welcome to Volume 6 Issue 3 of the VOX-Pol Newsletter. If you have colleagues or friends who may be interested in the content of our newsletter, or any events or research carried out by VOX-Pol, please forward this to them and encourage them to subscribe via our website. Follow us on Twitter @VOX_Pol for live updates ...
Top 4 Most Popular Blog Posts of 2019
August 29, 2019
The VOX-Pol Blog is now in its 6th year, with just over 380 posts having been published to-date. We always welcome original posts, we cross-post with permission, and can also accept posts that have been published elsewhere in languages other than English and have them translated. Please email with submissions and/or questions. Each year during August we take ...
VOX-Pol’s ‘Down The (White) Rabbit Hole’ (2014) Article Now Open Access
August 15, 2019
VOX-Pol is pleased to make the article Down the (White) Rabbit Hole: The Extreme Right and Online Recommender Systems, published in 2014 in the Journal Social Science Computer Review open access. The research is a multidisciplinary collaboration between University College Dublin School of Computer Science & Informatics and Dublin City University School of Law & ...
New VOX-Pol Open Access Article: Engaging with Online Extremist Material
July 26, 2019
VOX-Pol is pleased to present a new, open access research article by former VOX-Pol Fellow Zoey Reeve. The study, titled Engaging with Online Extremist Material: Experimental Evidence was published in the journal Terrorism and Political Violence online on 24 July 2019. ABOUT THE ARTICLE Despite calls from governments to clamp down on violent extremist material in the online ...
New VOX-Pol Report: Reconciling Impact and Ethics by Dounia Mahlouly
July 23, 2019
VOX-Pol has released its latest report in the VOX-Pol publication series, titled Reconciling Impact and Ethics: An Ethnography of Research in Violent Online Political Extremism, authored by Dounia Mahlouly, on 23 July 2019. About the Report Gathering empirical evidence from interviews and focus groups, this study highlights some of the ethical dilemmas face d by the academic ...
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VOX-Pol Newsletter 6(2) May 2019
May 14, 2019
Welcome to Volume 6 Issue 2 of the VOX-Pol Newsletter. If you have colleagues or friends who may be interested in the content of our newsletter, or in any VOX-Pol events and research, please forward this to them and encourage them to subscribe via our website. Follow us on Twitter @VOX_Pol for live updates and releases. Yours Sincerely, The ...