Research Finds Differential Emphasis in Islamic State Propaganda
June 28, 2018VOX-Pol has released its latest report in the VOX-Pol publication series, titled A Tale Of Two Caliphates: Comparing the Islamic State’s Internal and External Messaging Priorities, co-authored by Dr. Dounia Mahlouly and Charlie Winter. About the Report In recent years, the media department of the self-proclaimed Islamic State has proven itself to be highly adept at ...
Fighting ISIS on Facebook – Breaking the ISIS Brand Counter-Narratives Project
June 27, 2018By Anne Speckhard, Ardian Shajkovci & Lorand Bodo This blog post synopsises a study that attempted to intervene with over fifty English-speaking Facebook accounts endorsing, promoting, and following ISIS. Methodology and Research Design For this study, several anonymized Facebook accounts were used to identify English-speaking radicalized Facebook profiles as our target for an online counter-narrative intervention. ...
Counter-Terrorism Police Are Now Training with Virtual Terrorists
June 21, 2018By Jonathan Saunders What if you could save an airport from terrorists, escape insurgents in South Sudan, and rescue civilians in an underground station all in one morning? With modern technology, the ability to recreate these scenarios within virtual and augmented reality is here, and we’re using it to help train counter-terrorism officers and aid workers. ...
Now You See It, Now You Don’t? Moving Beyond Account & Content Removal in Digital Counter-Extremism Operations
June 13, 2018By Lorand Bodo On 25–26 April 2018, a major multinational digital content takedown operation was conducted against the Islamic State (IS). The operation targeted the major online media outlets directly associated with IS. The operation was reportedly successful in collecting digital evidence about IS activities, including the seizure of servers located in Canada, the Netherlands ...
VOX-Pol Researcher Presents at United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee
June 11, 2018On 29 May, 2018, the United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee (UN CTC) held an open meeting with the support of the UN Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate (UN CTED) on the topic of countering extremist narratives. VOX-Pol researcher, Bharath Ganesh of the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, travelled to the UN headquarters’ in New York, ...
VOX-Pol Welcomes New Research Fellow J.M. Berger
June 8, 2018We’re delighted to welcome J.M. Berger on board as a VOX-Pol Research Fellow. We’re also very pleased to announce that J.M. will launch his new book, Extremism (MIT Press), at a reception during our VOX-Pol conference in Amsterdam on 22 – 21 August, 2018. J.M.’s prior publications include, with Jonathon Morgan, The ISIS Twitter Census (2015), with Jessica Stern, ISIS: ...
A Tribal Call to Arms: Propaganda and What PVE Can Learn from Anthropology, Psychology and Neuroscience
June 6, 2018By Alexander Ritzmann The Propaganda Process Is online propaganda really effective? How can it be countered? And what can practitioners of Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE) and policymakers learn from the research findings of other relevant disciplines, such as anthropology, psychology and neuroscience? Propaganda, understood here as the strategic communication of ideas aiming at manipulating specific target ...
How GDPR Changes the Rules for Research
May 30, 2018By Gabe Maldoff The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into effect in the spring of 2018, replacing the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC and imposing new obligations on organizations that process the personal data of European Union residents. While the Regulation aims to bolster privacy rights, it arrives as a centerpiece of the EU Digital ...
Technology and Regulation Must Work in Concert to Combat Hate Speech Online
May 23, 2018By Andre Oboler Online bullying, hate and incitement are on the rise, and new approaches are needed to tackle them. As the Australian Senate conducts hearings for its Inquiry into cyberbullying, it should consider a two-pronged approach to combating the problem. First, the government should follow the lead of Germany in imposing financial penalties on major ...
VOX-Pol Newsletter 5(2) May 2018
May 18, 2018Welcome to Vol. 5 Iss. 2 of the VOX-Pol Newsletter. This is VOX-Pol’s fifth year in operation; thank you for your continued support over the last four years. If you have colleagues, friends or anyone who may be interested in the content of our newsletter, or any events or research carried out by VOX-Pol, please ...