Joint VOX-Pol-TechAgainstTerrorism Dublin Start-up Workshop
September 15, 2017A joint VOX-Pol-Tech Against Terrorism Dublin Start-up Workshop was held on 7 September 2017 at Dublin City University’s DCUAlpha Innovation Hub. Attendees included representatives from the security, financial technology, and academic sectors. The event kicked off with an overview of Tech Against Terrorism and its purpose and activities. The second session focused on what companies ...
Islamic State’s Twitter network is decimated, but other extremists face much less disruption
September 13, 2017By Maura Conway and Suraj Lakhani This post is based on findings contained in the VOX-Pol report Disrupting Daesh: Measuring Takedown of Online Terrorist Material and its Impacts published on 15 August 2017. Alongside the fierce battles that have been raging of late in key strongholds of so-called Islamic State (IS) in Syria and Iraq, intense battles against ...
ISIS: From Connective Action to Transnational Insurgency?
September 6, 2017Since late 2016, researchers came to acknowledge both ISIS’ territorial decline and much reduced visibility on mainstream social media networks. They note that its online community of supporters have migrated to encrypted communication channels and that its territory in the Levant has shrunk considerably, which—according to a recent ICSR estimate—impacted on the organisation’s financial resources. ...
Media coverage of VOX-Pol Report ‘Disrupting Daesh’
August 25, 2017Maura Conway – Disrupting Daesh: Measuring Takedown of Online Terrorist Material & Its Impacts VOX-Pol Coordinator, Maura Conway, discusses the findings of VOX-Pol’s August 2017 report ‘Disrupting Daesh: Measuring Takedown of Online Terrorist Material and Its Impacts’. Twitter ‘becoming less effective’ as platform for Islamic State Twitter is becoming less effective as a platform for ...
Research Finds Social Media Disruption Impacting on Islamic State Propaganda
August 15, 2017In one 24-hour period, 65% of Twitter accounts tweeting out-links to IS propaganda were suspended within 17 hours Focus of online disruption on IS allows other jihadi groups to outpace them on social media VOX-Pol researchers from Dublin City University, together with colleagues from the University of Sussex, have found that the social media platform, ...
VOX-Pol Participation in Society for Terrorism Research 11th Annual International Conference
August 14, 2017The Society for Terrorism Research 11th Annual International Conference was held on 14 – 15 August 2017 in New York. It was organised by New York University’s Center for Global Affairs. The conference consisted of eight panels over two days. Contributions were made at the conference by VOX-Pol’s Dr. Paul Gill and Dr. Emily Corner ...
VOX-Pol Newsletter 4(3) August 2017
August 10, 2017Welcome to Vol. 4 Iss. 3 of the VOX-Pol Newsletter. If you have colleagues or friends who may be interested in the content of our newsletter, or any events or research carried out by VOX-Pol, please forward this to them and encourage them to subscribe via our website. Follow us on Twitter @VOX_Pol for live updates and releases. ...
VOX-Pol Coordinator Contributes to Bangkok Conference
July 31, 2017VOX-Pol’s Coordinator, Prof. Maura Conway, was a participant in Deakin University‘s conference on ‘Addressing the New Landscape of Terrorism: Actionable Responses,’ which took place in Bangkok from 24 – 28 July, 2017. The conference brought together academics, CVE practitioners, policymakers, law enforcement, and others to discuss a range of issues in contemporary terrorism, with a ...
Macedonia’s Jailed Jihadists Try to Recruit Online
July 26, 2017By Haris Fazliu While researching Bringing Down the Digital Caliphate – Breaking the ISIS Brand (under review), for the International Center for The Study of Violent Extremism, ICSVE, I discovered that convicted terrorists in Macedonia linked to ISIS continue to share propaganda online. Jihadists currently serving sentences in Macedonian prisons freely use smartphones to watch videos, ...
Children are Being Used as Easy Weapons of Propaganda by Terrorist Organisations
July 19, 2017By Amy-Louise Watkin and Sean Looney To involve children in terrorism is an unthinkable prospect. And yet they have become not only targets of violence, but are being used to promote radicalised causes too. This is not just about European or American children being victims of attacks by the so-called Islamic State (IS). Young people who are ...