Terrorism and New Media: the Cyber-Battlespace
September 18, 2023
Chapter, “Terrorism and new media: the cyber-battlespace”, in book: Forest, James F., (ed.) Countering terrorism and insurgency in the 21st Century. ...
Terrorism and the Making of the ‘New Middle East’: New Media Strategies of Hizbollah and al Qaeda
September 18, 2023
Chapter, “Terrorism and the making of the ‘New Middle East'”, in book: Seib, Philip, (ed.) New media and the new Middle East ...
Von al-Zarqawi bis al-Awlaki: Das Internet als neue Form des radikalen Milieus.
September 18, 2023
Chapter in Stefan Malthaner and Peter Waldmann (eds.) Radikale Milieus: Das soziale Umfeld terroristischer Gruppen. ...
Radicals Online: The Hungarian Street Protests of 2006 and the Internet
September 18, 2023
Chapter in book, ‘Finding the Right Place on the Map’, Jakubowicz & Miklos Sükösd (eds.). The chapter looks at the role of the Internet in the street protests in Hungary in 2006 and examines how the protests played out online. Content analysis of extreme right-wing online media (major websites, news portals, mailing lists, discussion forums ...
Terrorist Use of the Internet and the Challenges of Governing Cyberspace
September 18, 2023
Chapter: “Terrorism, the Internet, and international relations: the governance conundrum”, in: Dunn Cavelty, Myriam and Mauer, Victor and Krishna-Hensel, Sai Felicia, (eds.) Power and Security in the Information Age: Investigating the Role of the State in Cyberspace. ...
Worldwide Online Jihad versus the Gaming Industry Reloaded – Ventures of the Web
September 18, 2023
[Chapter in, “New Approaches to the Analysis of Jihadism: On and Offline”, Rüdiger Lohlker (ed.)] Jihadism has been an important issue of public discussions since 9/11. Internet media have been used by Jihadis as means of communication, propaganda, recruitment, and even training purposes. In this volume, the processes of interaction on Jihadi internet sites are ...
Jihadism: Online Discourses and Representations
September 18, 2023
[Chapter in, “New Approaches to the Analysis of Jihadism: On and Offline”, Rüdiger Lohlker (ed.)] Jihadism has been an important issue of public discussions since 9/11. Internet media have been used by Jihadis as means of communication, propaganda, recruitment, and even training purposes. In this volume, the processes of interaction on Jihadi internet sites are ...
Arab Foreign Fighters in Bosnia – the Roads to Europe
September 18, 2023
Discussion of how the war in the Balkans (1992-95) attracted the attention of Muslim foreign fighters, who had mostly participated in a proclaimed defensive-jihad against communist occupation forces in Afghanistan. Chapter in Gunther Hauser, Franz Kernic & Sven Gareis, ‘The European Union: A global actor?’, ...
Cybercortical Warfare: Hizbollah’s Internet Strategy
September 18, 2023
The acceleration of the historical tempo and the move from hierarchical to networked conceptions of power is disintegrating the mechanisms of control and political representation at the disposal of the state. The upshot of this is that ‘resistance confronts domination, empowerment reacts against powerlessness, and alternative projects challenge the logic embedded in the new global ...
The Virtual Sanctuary of Al-Qaeda and Terrorism in an Age of Globalisation
September 18, 2023
Chapter in Johan Eriksson, Giampiero Giacomello, ‘International Relations and Security in the Digital Age’ – The fusion of globalisation and terrorism in the 21 century created a new, adaptable and complex form of ‘networked’ asymmetric adversary. For al-Qaeda and its successor affiliates Internet has become not just a virtual sanctuary, where every dimension of the ...