Transparency Recommendations for GIFCT: Prepared by the GIFCT Transparency Working Group
September 18, 2023
The Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) Transparency Working Group (WG) was established in April 2020 as part of the GIFCT substantive Working Group structure. The Transparency WG’s objective is to develop best practices and easy access to resources that facilitate greater transparency from all relevant stakeholders while respecting privacy and human rights. Microsoft ...
GIFCT Technical Approaches Working Group: Gap Analysis and Recommendations for deploying technical solutions to tackle the terrorist use of the internet
September 18, 2023
The objective of this report is to provide strategic guidance to tech companies, government policy makers, and solution providers in order to increase and improve investment into effective technical approaches that support platforms in tackling the terrorist use of internet services while respecting human rights. While stopping short of providing a detailed roadmap for development, ...
Academic and Practical Research Working Group White Paper: Extremism Research Horizons
September 18, 2023
This white paper maps these continually shifting dynamics, drawing on proceedings from meetings of the Academic and Practical Research Working Group of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT), the work of the Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET), and original desk research. In doing so, it identifies key emerging trends and research ...
GIFCT Legal Frameworks Working Group
September 18, 2023
The Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) Legal Frameworks Working Group brought together a range of different stakeholders, including Government, civil society, technology companies, academics, regulators and practitioners. This paper is intended to capture the range of discussion topics covered by the group, outline the primary issues the group identified, and highlight potential areas ...
September 11 Conspiracies: 20 Years Later
September 18, 2023
This report will outline some of the ways social media continues to be exploited 20 years on to promote misinformation, as well as conspiracies that advance bigoted and prejudiced beliefs and ideologies, especially anti-Semitism. ...
White Supremacy Search Trends in the United States
September 18, 2023
Moonshot partnered with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to analyze US search traffic in response to the threats posed by white supremacist narratives and ideology in the US this past year. The dominant socio-political events of 2020-2021—the COVID-19 pandemic, the widespread BLM protests and counter-protests, and the presidential election—coalesced to create fertile ground for white supremacists ...
YouTube Regrets: A crowdsourced investigation into YouTube’s recommendation algorithm
September 18, 2023
Faced with YouTube’s continuous refusal to engage, Mozilla built a browser extension, RegretsReporter, that allows people to donate data about the YouTube videos they regret watching on the platform. Through one of the biggest crowdsourced investigations into YouTube, we’ve uncovered new information that warrants urgent attention and action from lawmakers and the public. We now ...
Understanding the New Zealand Online Extremist Ecosystem
September 18, 2023
In this report, the Institute for Strategic Dialogue and CASM Technology provide a data-driven snapshot of the online activities of extremists with a demonstrable link to New Zealand, as well as the digital platforms connecting New Zealand to an international extremist ecosystem. ...
The Online Regulation Series | The Handbook
September 18, 2023
With this Handbook we aim to provide a comprehensive and accessible resource for tech platforms to improve their understanding of legislative developments and key trends in online regulation. All resources included in the Handbook can be accessed via our relaunched Knowledge Sharing Platform. ...
Courage Against Hate
September 18, 2023
The Courage Against Hate initiative has been brought together by Facebook for the purpose of sparking cross-sector, pan-European dialogue and action to combat hate speech and extremism. This collection of articles unites European academic analysis with practitioners who are actively working on countering extremism within civil society. ...