Combatting The Islamic State’s Digital Dominance: Revitalizing U.S. Communication Strategy
September 18, 2023
From London to Ontario to Northern Virginia and beyond, young men and women have felt compelled to find belonging in a community ideologically grounded in opposition to the modern world—a community that utilizes violence as a solution to its grievances. Whether the self-proclaimed “Islamic State” (IS) ultimately proves to be a temporary phenomenon or not, ...
ISIS and the Institution of Online Terrorist Recruitment
September 18, 2023
The rise of ISIS and associated jihadi violence taking place in Syria and Iraq has reverberated widely. The effects can be felt not just in the horrific attacks that took place in Paris in January 2015, but across the Asia-Pacific region as well, including Australia. Public officials and analysts are struggling to understand and devise ...
Combating Violent Extremism and Radicalization in the Digital Era
September 18, 2023
Advances in digital technologies have provided ample positive impacts to modern society; however, in addition to such benefits, these innovations have inadvertently created a new venue for criminal activity to generate. Combating Violent Extremism and Radicalization in the Digital Era is an essential reference for the latest research on the utilization of online tools by ...
Assisting practitioners to understand countering violent extremism
September 18, 2023
Over the past decade and a half, Western countries have spent vast sums of money on efforts aimed at combating terrorism, both at home and abroad. A significant percentage of these locally implemented counterterrorism initiatives have focused their efforts on combating what many governments now refer to as ‘radicalisation to violent extremism’. However, from its ...
Applying the Notion of Noise to Countering Online Terrorism
September 18, 2023
The growing presence of modern terrorism on the Internet is at the nexus of two key trends: the democratization of communications driven by user-generated content on the Internet; and the growing awareness of modern terrorists of the potential of the Internet for their purposes. How best can the terrorists’ use and abuse of the Internet ...
Tweeting Situational Awareness During the Sydney Siege
September 18, 2023
This article seeks to investigate the way in which social media can affect terrorist events. Using the 2014 Sydney siege as its primary focus, it will argue that the public’s social media activity, particularly the capacity to engage in ‘reporting’ of live events as they occur, can shift the tactical advantage from counterterrorism officials to ...
Avis n°2014-3 sur l’article 9 du Projet de loi Renforçant les Dispositions Relatives à la Lutte Contre le Terrorisme
September 18, 2023
Le Conseil national du numérique a été saisi le 25 juin 2014 de l’article 9 du projet de loi renforçant les dispositions relatives à la lutte contre le terrorisme. Ces dispositions modifient l’article 6 de la loi du 21 juin 2004 pour la confiance dans l’économie numérique (LCEN) en prévoyant le blocage administratif des sites ...
Parere n. 2014-3 sull’articolo 9 del progetto di legge mirante al rafforzamento delle disposizioni relative alla lotta contro il terrorismo
September 18, 2023
Il Consiglio nazionale per il digitale è stato interpellato riguardo all’articolo 9 del progetto di legge mirante a rafforzare le disposizioni relative alla lotta contro il terrorismo. Tali disposizioni modificano l’articolo 6 della Legge del 21 giugno 2004 intesa a promuovere la fiducia nell’economia digitale (LCEN), prevedendo il blocco da parte dell’autorità amministrativa dei siti ...
Terrorism, the Internet and the Social Media Advantage: Exploring How Terrorist Organizations Exploit Aspects of the Internet, Social Media and how these Same Platforms could be used to Counter-Violent Extremism
September 18, 2023
The deeply engrained nature of social media in modern life have provided ease of access to information and speed of use within almost every aspect of a person’s life. These same benefit are also available to terrorists and their organizations. The same technology that allows for a globalized world to interact without regard for distance ...
Daily Press Briefing: Haiti, General Assembly, Syria, Yemen, South Sudan, Nepal
September 18, 2023
Noon Briefing by Stephanie Dujarric, Spokesman for the Secretary General ...