Hierarchical CVAE for Fine-Grained Hate Speech Classification
September 18, 2023
Existing work on automated hate speech detection typically focuses on binary classification or on differentiating among a small set of categories. In this paper, we propose a novel method on a fine-grained hate speech classification task, which focuses on differentiating among 40 hate groups of 13 different hate group categories. We first explore the Conditional ...
Automated hate speech detection and the problem of offensive language
September 18, 2023
A key challenge for automatic hate-speech detection on social media is the separation of hate speech from other instances of offensive language. Lexical detection methods tend to have low precision because they classify all messages containing particular terms as hate speech and previous work using supervised learning has failed to distinguish between the two categories. ...
Deep Learning for Hate Speech Detection in Tweets
September 18, 2023
Hate speech detection on Twitter is critical for applications like controversial event extraction, building AI chatterbots, content recommendation, and sentiment analysis. We define this task as being able to classify a tweet as racist, sexist or neither. The complexity of the natural language constructs makes this task very challenging. We perform extensive experiments with multiple ...
Stereotypical Bias Removal for Hate Speech Detection Task using Knowledge-based Generalizations
September 18, 2023
With the ever-increasing cases of hate spread on social media platforms, it is critical to design abuse detection mechanisms to pro-actively avoid and control such incidents. While there exist methods for hate speech detection, they stereotype words and hence suffer from inherently biased training. Bias removal has been traditionally studied for structured datasets, but we ...
Automatic Identification and Classification of Misogynistic Language on Twitter
September 18, 2023
Hate speech may take different forms in online social media. Most of the investigations in the literature are focused on detecting abusive language in discussions about ethnicity, religion, gender identity and sexual orientation. In this paper, we address the problem of automatic detection and categorization of misogynous language in online social media. The main contribution ...
The Effects of User Features on Twitter Hate Speech Detection
September 18, 2023
The paper investigates the potential effects user features have on hate speech classification. A quantitative analysis of Twitter data was conducted to better understand user characteristics, but no correlations were found between hateful text and the characteristics of the users who had posted it. However, experiments with a hate speech classifier based on datasets from ...
All You Need Is “Love”: Evading Hate Speech Detection
September 18, 2023
With the spread of social networks and their unfortunate use for hate speech, automatic detection of the latter has become a pressing problem. In this paper, we reproduce seven state-of-the-art hate speech detection models from prior work, and show that they perform well only when tested on the same type of data they were trained ...