VOX-Pol Upcoming Participation in RAN Workshop on the Civil Society Empowerment Programme
March 14, 2017
On 15-16 March, VOX-Pol Programme Manager, Lisa McInerney, will participate in the EU’s Radicalisation Awareness Network’s (RAN) Civil Society Empowerment Programme’s kick-off workshop. The Civil Society Empowerment Programme (CSEP) is an initiative produced by the European Commission with the support of partners in the Internet industry; Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Microsoft. CSEP brings together internet ...
Women’s Roles in Terrorism and Women Fighting Back
March 8, 2017
By Anne Speckhard, Ph.D. On International Women’s Day it seems important to recognize strong women and the unique characteristics of women to play important roles in defeating terrorism. In the past days, taking part in the Institute for Defense Studies and Analysis Combating Terrorism Conference in New Delhi, India, I had the opportunity to meet and listen to ...
VOX-Pol at the International Studies Association Annual Convention 2017
March 6, 2017
On 22–25 February, VOX-Pol researchers participated in the International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, in Baltimore, Maryland. The ISA is the world’s largest professional association for international relations scholars, with more than seven thousand members. Whilst topics covered at the convention are wide-ranging, there is always a wide range of panels focused upon terrorism and ...
Paths to Radicalism and Extremism
March 1, 2017
This Blog post is a product of the ESRC-funded Youth Extremisms Research Seminar Series. By Prof. Hilary Pilkington Following significant electoral successes for populist radical right parties and several instances of extraordinary extremist violence, perpetrated by both jihadist and extreme right actors, the attention of scholars, journalists and politicians has understandably focussed upon extremist and radical growth ...
Social Media, Corporate Responsibilities and Youth Extremism
February 22, 2017
This Blog post is a product of the ESRC-funded Youth Extremisms Research Seminar Series. By Prof. Hilary Pilkington On the heels of significant electoral successes and several instances of extraordinary extremist violence, there has been renewed political, media, and scholarly attention to the growth of extremism in Europe and, in particular, to the role of youth in ...
VOX-Pol Participation in RAN C&N Meeting on Measuring the Impact of Online CVE Campaigns
February 17, 2017
On 13-14 February, VOX-Pol Programme Manager, Lisa McInerney, participated in the EU’s Radicalisation Awareness Network’s (RAN) Communication and Narratives Working Group’s latest meeting in Brussels. The meeting focused on how to measure the impact of online counter or alternative narrative campaigns, with the aim of making it easier for campaigners to evaluate and measure impact ...
VOX-Pol’s Paul Gill Keynotes Asia Pacific Association of Threat Assessment Professionals’ 2017 Annual Conference
February 17, 2017
VOX-Pol and University College London’s Dr. Paul Gill participated in the Asia Pacific Association of Threat Assessment Professionals’ (APATAP) annual conference in Singapore on 13 – 15 February. The conference focused on current and ongoing academic work, which falls in line with its goals of fostering and supporting cross-disciplinary study and management of threatening individuals ...
VOX-Pol Newsletter 4(1) February 2017
February 16, 2017
Welcome to Vol. 4 Issue 1 of the VOX-Pol Newsletter. If you have colleagues or friends who may be interested in the content of this newsletter or any events and research carried out by VOX-Pol, please encourage them to subscribe via our website. Follow us on Twitter @VOX_Pol for live updates and releases. Yours sincerely,The VOX-Pol ...
Measuring the impact of your online counter or alternative narrative campaign message
February 15, 2017
The Radicalisation Awareness Network’s (RAN) Communications & Narratives’ Working Group meeting on 13 and 14 February, 2017 in Brussels focused on how to measure the impact of an online counter or alternative narrative message; the following post is adapted from the ex-ante paper circulated prior to the meeting, which drew from the Institute for Strategic ...
Are There Limits to Online Free Speech?: Part II
February 8, 2017
By Alice E. Marwick This post is part II of the series. Please click here to read part I. Free Speech and a Free Internet In 1997, the Supreme Court ruled in the landmark Reno v. ACLU case that internet speech deserved the same free speech protections as spoken or written speech. Justice John Paul Stevens wrote in the majority ...