Leadership Team
Miraji Mohamed
September 6, 2023Miraji Mohamed is a post-doctoral researcher at Dublin City University and an affiliate at the Cyber Threats Research Centre (CYTREC) of Swansea University. She is an interdisciplinary researcher who works at the intersection of conflict analysis, peace studies and youth studies. In particular, the conceptualisations of ‘radicalisation’ and ‘extremism’ and the impact they have on ...
Ashley A. Mattheis
September 6, 2023Ashley A. Mattheis holds a Ph.D. in Communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her work brings together cultural studies, media studies, and rhetorical criticism, through the lens of feminist theory to explore the material effects of cultural production and consumption online. Her areas of inquiry include topics such as masculinities and ...
Amy-Louise Watkin
September 6, 2023Amy-Louise Watkin is a Lecturer in Criminal Justice at the University of the West of Scotland. Amy-Louise’s research interests include online terrorist and violent extremist content, and the regulation of this online content. Amy-Louise undertook her PhD at Swansea University as a member of CYTREC. Amy-Louise has been a member of the Building Resilience Against ...
Carol Winkler
September 6, 2023Carol Winkler (Ph.D. University of Maryland) is a Professor of Communication Studies and lead faculty member of the Transcultural Conflict and Violence initiative at Georgia State University. Her research interests include terrorism, visual communication, networked argumentation, and presidential rhetoric. Over the past seven years, she has examined the media strategies of extremist groups in the ...
Lise Waldek
September 6, 2023Lise Waldek is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Security Studies and Criminology, Macquarie University. Lise’s research draws from her applied professional and academic experiences in security studies. Prior to moving into academia she worked for the UK Ministry of Defence. Her research interests include countering violent extremism, online violent extremism, behavioural science and ...
Brigitte Naderer
September 6, 2023Brigitte Naderer is a Post-Doctoral researcher at the Department of Media and Communication, LMU Munich. Her research focuses on media effects, media literacy and persuasion processes. Her recent work includes research on 1) Online radicalization processes and 2) evaluation of media literacy interventions (which is part of the EU funded project PRECOBIAS), as well as ...
Seán Looney
September 6, 2023Seán Looney is a lecturer in Criminology at the University of Plymouth. His research interests include the regulation of online terrorist and violent extremist content, and the impact of bulk surveillance on the promotion and protection of human rights. Sean undertook his PhD at Swansea University as a member of CYTREC and is a former ...
Elizabeth Pearson
September 6, 2023Elizabeth Pearson is a Lecturer in Criminology at Royal Holloway, University of London, where she is affiliated with the Gender Institute and the Conflict, Violence and Terrorism Research Centre. Elizabeth specialises in gender, extremism and countering extremism and has written about and researched extremism in both online and offline spaces. Her book on extremism and ...
Ryan Scrivens
September 6, 2023Ryan Scrivens is an Assistant Professor in the School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University. He is also an Associate Director at the International CyberCrime Research Centre at Simon Fraser University and a Research Fellow at the VOX-Pol Network of Excellence. He conducts problem-oriented interdisciplinary research with a focus on terrorists’ and extremists’ use ...
Nick Nelson
September 6, 2023Nick Nelson has extensive experience in both the security sector and academia, and is currently a Senior Lecturer at Massey University’s Centre for Defence and Security Studies. He teaches in a diverse range of subject areas including terrorism, cyber security, and the psychology of security. His main research interest is in how the online environment ...