Virtual Doorstep: Journalists, Social Media and the Victims of Tragedy
June 28, 2017
By Glenda Cooper Some of the most powerful stories about the atrocity in recent Manchester have been told online: whether pictures of the missing, the videos taken in the aftermath or the hashtags such as #roomformanchester or #acityunited showing the city’s resilience. But there are those who have also felt under pressure from journalists. Twitter ...
Telegram: The Mighty Application that ISIS Loves – Part I
June 7, 2017
By Ahmet S. Yayla & Anne Speckhard ISIS has been the most successful terrorist organization in history using social media and the Internet for distributing its propaganda, dissemination of its news and more importantly to communicate. There is no doubt that the frequency and quality of ISIS posts on the Internet, including their videos, memes ...
VOX-Pol Coordinator Gives Keynote Address at Dublin’s IIEA
June 2, 2017
On 15 May 2017 VOX-Pol’s Coordinator, DCU’s Prof. Maura Conway, gave a keynote address at Dublin’s Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA), “Ireland’s leading think tank on European and International affairs.” In her address, Prof. Conway detailed the development of IS’s online strategy from 2014 to the present, with a particular focus on online-offline ...
The Role of the Internet in the Jihadist Mobilisation of Women in Spain
May 31, 2017
The mobilisation of women for the jihadist cause emerged in Spain within the framework of the current mobilisation in Western Europe linked to the conflict in Syria and Iraq and the appearance of the so called Islamic State (IS) as a new vanguard of global terrorism. The explicit call from Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to women ...
Social Media, Corporate Responsibilities and Youth Extremism
February 22, 2017
This Blog post is a product of the ESRC-funded Youth Extremisms Research Seminar Series. By Prof. Hilary Pilkington On the heels of significant electoral successes and several instances of extraordinary extremist violence, there has been renewed political, media, and scholarly attention to the growth of extremism in Europe and, in particular, to the role of youth in ...
Takedown Collaboration by Private Companies Creates Troubling Precedent
December 21, 2016
By Emma Llansó On 5 December, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, and YouTube announced their intent to begin collaborating on the removal of terrorist propaganda across their services. Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT) is deeply concerned that this joint project will create a precedent for cross-site censorship and will become a target for governments and private actors seeking to ...
Programming Human Beings to Build a Hate-Free Internet
November 30, 2016
This year’s wild presidential campaign was not only a test of two very different politicians but of humanity in general. Because social media is now far more entrenched than four years ago, we were effectively subjected to a giant, real-world experiment. The research question: how exactly do we treat one another when sensitive matters of ...
Joint INFOCORE, MeCoDEM, VOX-Pol workshop on Social Media, Conflict and Democracy concludes in Brussels
November 21, 2016
VOX-Pol, in conjunction with two other EU FP7-funded projects, INFOCORE and MeCoDem, held a joint workshop themed “Social Media, Conflict and Democracy: Utopian Visions, Dystopian Futures and Pragmatic Policies” at the Press Club Brussels on Friday, November 18. Among the central questions addressed in the workshop entitled “Social Media, Conflict & Democracy: Utopian Visions, Dystopian Futures ...
VOX-Pol Newsletter 3(4) November 2016
November 10, 2016
Welcome to Vol. 3 Issue 4 of the VOX-Pol Newsletter. If you have colleagues or friends who may be interested in the content of this newsletter or any events and research carried out by VOX-Pol, please encourage them to subscribe via our website. Follow us on Twitter @VOX_Pol for live updates and releases. Yours sincerely, The VOX-Pol ...
Joint INFOCORE, MeCoDem, VOX-Pol Workshop on Social Media, Conflict and Democracy to be held in Brussels
October 26, 2016
VOX-Pol, in conjunction with two other EU FP7-funded projects, INFOCORE and MeCoDem, will hold a joint workshop themed “Social Media, Conflict and Democracy: Utopian Visions, Dystopian Futures and Pragmatic Policies” at the Press Club Brussels on Friday, November 18.  The workshop will be of interest to, for example, journalists, scholars, activists, policy-makers, NGOs and think tanks. Among the central questions to ...