The VOX-Pol Blog 2023/24: Top 5 Most Read

The VOX-Pol Blog publishes weekly on a Wednesday, and takes a break in August, when we share the top 5 most read post of the year. This year, VOX-Pol has published a total of thirty-two posts, covering the online far-right, incels, online jihadism, and Artificial Intelligence (AI). We also featured Blogs on extremism legislation and research methodology.

Two of this year’s Blog posts were published in multiple translations. The article ‘#JeSuisCharlie was One of the Most Viral Hashtags in History – Here’s Why It Wouldn’t Happen Today’ was published in French and English

The article ‘Data Collection in Online Terrorism and Extremism Research: Future Directions’, an overview and analysis of data collection techniques, is available in EnglishFrench, and German.

We also ran a series of five posts from the ‘Seeing Eye to Eye: Developing Sustainable Multi-stakeholder Communities’ project (SE2E), which was developed and funded through the 2022 Terrorism and Social Media (TASM) Conference sandpit event. The project’s aim is to conduct empirical research into how various stakeholders view and experience multi-stakeholderism in countering terrorism and violent extremism online as part of the larger umbrella of “preventing and countering violent extremism” or P/CVE. Click to read the firstsecond thirdfourth, and fifth blog posts in the series.

Finally, the Top 5 Most Read Blogs of the Year were:

1. Hamas Telegram in the Immediate Wake of Their 7 October Terrorist Attack(s): Part 2 – Propaganda content by Sean McCafferty & Kamil Yilmaz.

2. Hamas Telegram in the Immediate Wake of Their 7 October Terrorist Attack(s): Part 1 – Activity Levels by Sean McCafferty & Kamil Yilmaz.

3. Exploiting Political Crises: How Terrorists’ Polarize the Public and Garner Support in their Propaganda Campaigns by Mor Yachin & Rebecca Wilson.

4. The Passive Extremism of Social Media in the Bronx Drill Scene by Matthew K. Carter.

5. Understanding Incels’ Psychology, Ideology, and Networking by Joe Whittaker, William Costello, and Andrew Thomas.

Want to submit a blog post? Click here.

Click to see the most-read posts of the year from 20232022202120202019, and 2018.