Welcome to Vol. 5 Iss. 3 of the VOX-Pol Newsletter.
If you have colleagues or friends who may be interested in the content of our newsletter, or any events or research carried out by VOX-Pol, please forward this to them and encourage them to subscribe via our website.
In particular, please update any interested colleagues about our two-day conference on 20 – 21 August at the University of Amsterdam, with post-conference workshops on 22 August. Tomorrow, 8 August, is the final day to register. For further details on this please read on.Follow us on Twitter @VOX_Pol for live updates and releases.
Yours Sincerely,
The VOX-Pol Team
VOX-Pol Third Biennial Conference

The third biennial VOX-Pol Conference is fast approaching and will take place at the University of Amsterdam on 20 – 21 August, with post-conference workshops on 22 August 2018. To view the programme, please click HERE.
In addition to the keynote, book launch, and five post-conference workshops, 65 papers will be delivered over 17 panels. The final date for registration is tomorrow, 8 August. Register HERE.
Worldwide Book Launch and Reception
J.M. Berger has joined VOX-Pol as a Research Fellow, and will launch his new book, Extremism (MIT Press), at an evening reception during the conference in Amsterdam.
J.M.’s prior publications include, with Jonathon Morgan, The ISIS Twitter Census (2015); with Jessica Stern, ISIS: The State of Terror (2015); and Jihad Joe: Americans Who Go to War in the Name of Islam (2011), along with numerous other reports and papers. J.M.’s personal website is intelwire.com and his Twitter handle is @intelwire.
Workshop: ‘Inside the Black Box “Terrorism Informatics”: A Cost-benefit Analysis of Using Computational Techniques in Violent Online Extremism Research
VOX-Pol Researcher Presents at United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee
On 29 May 2018, the United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee (UN CTC) held an open meeting with the support of the UN Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate (UN CTED) on the topic of countering extremist narratives. VOX-Pol researcher Bharath Ganesh of the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, travelled to the UN headquarters in New York, and presented in Session III, titled “Online incitement, terrorist narratives and violent extremism conducive to terrorism.”
The meeting brought together a global group of practitioners and researchers that shed light on the various initiatives attempting to understand and counter violent extremism across the world. Other panels stressed the importance of public-private partnerships, the role that civil society can play in countering extremist narratives, and new trends and developments in terrorist narratives.
The sessions were webcast, and are available on the UN CTC website, along with details of the opening and closing remarks of the Chair of UN CTC and the Executive Director of UN CTED.
A Tale Of Two Caliphates: Comparing the Islamic State’s Internal and External Messaging Priorities
VOX-Pol has released its latest report in the VOX-Pol publication series, titled A Tale Of Two Caliphates: Comparing the Islamic State’s Internal and External Messaging Priorities, co-authored by Dr. Dounia Mahlouly and Charlie Winter. The Islamic State’s publication priorities at the end of 2016 were largely bifurcated—its propagandists seemed to want different responses from different audiences, and Rumiyah and al-Naba’ were particularly demonstrative of this. For more key findings, click HERE.
Talking Terror, a podcast series hosted by Terrorism and Extremism Research Centre, TERC, 10 June 2018
Volume 12: Right-Wing Extremism, What’s That Noise? Podcast, 11 June 2018.
What the Red Pill Means for Radicals, Fair Observer, 7 June 2018.
On 25 May 2018, the new European General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR (Reg. 2016/679/EU) came into force to better guarantee data protection rights and security in personal data processing.
VOX-Pol has updated its privacy and data protection policy to clarify how it respects data protection and privacy rights. VOX-Pol treats any personal data with the highest standards of security and confidentiality for research purposes.
Within VOX-Pol, Louise Laing has responsibility for the co-ordination of Data Protection related issues. Comments, complaints, and requests for clarifications can be directed to her office via email at louise.laing@dcu.ie. Alternatively, you can write to VOX-Pol, Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland.
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