Keith Spiller
September 6, 2023
Dr Keith Spiller is Lecturer in Criminology at University of Southampton and his research focuses on the social consequences of surveillance and monitoring. He has a particular interest in the tacit knowledges employed by organisations and individuals when performing security roles. Recent work has reviewed the impacts of UK Counter Terrorism and Security Act (2019), ...
Ramón Spaaij
September 6, 2023
Professor Ramón Spaaij is a sociologist based at Victoria University in Melbourne, Australia, and the Utrecht University School of Governance, the Netherlands. Dr Spaaij is a globally recognised expert on terrorists acting alone or in small groups. He is the author of The Age of Lone Wolf Terrorism (Columbia University Press, 2017, with Mark S. ...
Heidi Schulze
September 6, 2023
Heidi Schulze is a Doctoral researcher at the Department of Media and Communication, LMU Munich. She currently works in a large-scale research project on (online) radicalization dynamics (MOTRA), that aims at improving our understanding of the complex mechanism and dimensions of (online-)radicalization processes by employing multimethodological, computational approaches. In her PhD thesis, she studies hyper ...
Debra Smith
September 6, 2023
Debra Smith is a Research Professor at Victoria University. She co-leads the Applied Security Science Partnership (ASSP), comprising academics, Victoria Police, Defence Science Technology (DST), and community groups, working collaboratively to enhance understanding of terrorism and violent extremism. Her research program focuses on behavioural indicators associated with mobilising to violence, the contemporary extreme right in ...
Ursula Kristin Schmid
September 6, 2023
Ursula Kristin Schmid is a Doctoral researcher at the Department of Media and Communication, LMU Munich. Her research focuses on digital media effects, specifically on the perception of hate speech and online incivility as well as counter speech. She currently works in a German large-scale research project on online hate speech (KISTRA) that conducts interdisciplinary ...
Rose Marie Santini
September 6, 2023
Rose Marie Santini is an Associate Professor at the School of Communication, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil. She is an Associate Researcher and Member of the Academic Information Science Graduate Program, founding member and director of NetLab – Laboratory for Internet and Social Media Research at UFRJ. She is a Brazilian National ...
Débora Salles
September 6, 2023
Débora Salles is a Postdoctoral Researcher at NetLab at the School of Communication of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), acting as a specialist in populist communication logics on social media. Her research focuses on digital media, computational propaganda, social networks and disinformation. She received a CAPES scholarship for her Master’s in Communication ...
Anuradha Sajjanhar
September 6, 2023
Anuradha Sajjanhar is an Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Politics and Public Policy at the University of East Anglia, UK. She works at the intersection of comparative politics, communication, sociology, and public policy. She asks questions about ideology and discourse, processes of policy making, and right-wing mobilisation in the US, UK and India. ...
Nick Robinson
September 6, 2023
Nick Robinson is Associate Professor in Politics and International Studies at the University of Leeds. His principal interest is in the way in which militarism and extremism emerge and intercede in everyday life through what may be termed ‘everyday extremism’. His ongoing research on extremism and the militarisation of social media and videogames has been ...
Mark Robinson
September 6, 2023
As Director of the Media Art Space in the UNC-CH Communication department, Mark Robinson’s extensive technical expertise, developed over 35+ years, encompasses the making and assessment of multi-media particularly those involving computer, Internet technologies, audio, standard and high definition video formats with a technical, artistic and cultural expertise. Robinson demonstrates proficiency in technology as tool ...